The Simple Formula to Having the Business of Your Dreams - Business Acceleration Team
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Business Coach in Tulsa

The Simple Formula to Having the Business of Your Dreams

Imagine this: You’re standing at the threshold of entrepreneurship, your heart brimming with aspirations of financial freedom and a life where time bends to your will, not the other way around.

The dream is vivid – choosing your own hours, indulging in your passions, and having the resources to savor every slice of life. But then, reality hits.

The entrepreneurial journey, you quickly discover, is a steeper climb than anticipated. Your days become a relentless pursuit of sales, your nights, a time to play catch-up with the never-ending demands of your business.

You find yourself the lone wolf in a pack that seems lost without your guidance. The very dream of freedom that once felt so tangible now feels like a mirage in the desert of entrepreneurial struggle.

The question arises: Is it worth it? The profit, the success – do they justify the sacrifices? The missed gym sessions, the family moments slipping through your fingers, the constant grind… it can all feel overwhelming.

But what if I told you there’s another way? A way where your business not only thrives but does so with you steering the ship rather than rowing the boat.

Let’s delve into a simple yet powerful formula that can transform your business into the dream you’ve always envisioned: Be x Do = Have.


Be x Do = Have

We’ll start from the end and work our way back. Focus on what you ‘Have’ – the life and business you desire. Picture the profit margins that don’t just meet but exceed your goals.

Envision taking two months off each year or crafting a schedule that allows you to work only three days a week. Imagine a business so robust that a quarterly meeting with your general manager is all it takes to ensure everything is on track.

Once you have a crystal-clear vision of what you want to ‘Have,’ it’s time to consider what you need to ‘Do’ to get there.

This could mean more sales calls, a robust marketing strategy, continuous learning, or building a capable team. The ‘Do’ is about action – strategic, targeted action that propels your business forward.

But here’s the twist: we’re not just human ‘doers’; we are human ‘beings.’ And that’s where the transformative part of the equation comes in. Ask yourself, who do you need to ‘Be’ to create the business of your dreams?

Perhaps it’s a financial whiz, an inspiring leader, or a master delegator. It might mean becoming comfortable with trusting your team or honing your sales acumen.

Determine the steps you need to take to embody these qualities. It could be through education, mentorship, or personal development. Remember, average ‘Being’ and ‘Doing’ leads to average ‘Having.’ To achieve the exceptional, you must strive to be and do the exceptional.

Now, if you’re a business owner whose reality hasn’t quite caught up to your dream, you’re not alone. The path to your ideal business is not just a dream – it’s a destination that requires clarity, action, and transformation.


Your Dream Business is Within Reach

For those ready to embark on this journey but unsure where to start, I’m here to help. Let’s schedule a free 30-minute call to begin crafting your action plan.

Together, we’ll navigate the path to a business that not only meets your expectations but exceeds them, giving you the freedom and fulfillment you’ve been seeking.

Your dream business is not just a possibility – it’s within reach. Let’s make it a reality.

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