Workshops Business Coach | BAT | Tulsa, OK
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Grow Your Hard and Soft Skills

Training & Development Programs for a Successful Business

We offer both free and paid workshops, live and virtual, on a variety of business-building topics. Workshops provide both business owners and employees with comprehensive training that is necessary for success. There are also skills training for general topics like communication and interpersonal skills.

Lead Generation in Tulsa


Grow Your Hard and Soft Skills

Training & Development Programs for a Successful Business

We offer both free and paid workshops, live and virtual, on a variety of business-building topics. Workshops provide both business owners and employees with comprehensive training that is necessary for success. There are also skills training for general topics like communication and interpersonal skills.

How to Use Workshops to Build an Effective Training Program


There are eight steps for designing the ideal training program, which starts with assessing employee needs and goals. This allows business coaches to provide training that is tailored to the specific needs of each individual or organization.


Divide the training programs into two categories: soft and hard skills training. Soft skills are often called “people skills,” which make up the personal attributes that allow you to interact effectively with others. Hard skills are those specific to the job role (e.g., coding or bookkeeping).


Once you have assessed your employee’s needs and goals, you can organize which training programs will help them succeed in their roles. Your training coordinator will then develop a customized program and oversee all of the workshops.

Follow Up

Get feedback from your employees about their experience with the program. This will provide insight into the effectiveness of the workshops and allow you to address any additional areas that may not be working well.


TeamRICH is a 2-day program designed to help build a high-performance team and learn effective communication skills. Overcome any absenteeism issues you may have and create a more productive and enjoyable work environment for everyone involved. This rewarding experience with a business coach will leave you with key insights on how to enhance social relations and operate in unison.


ServiceRICH is an excellent resource for businesses that want to improve customer service and retention rates. This program emphasizes the importance of consistent service and teaches specific strategies to help foster a better service experience, create effective sales scripts and processes, increase repeat business, and more.


SalesRICH is designed to help people learn how to sell effectively in any business situation. This program provides training in reducing resistance to sales efforts, conversion techniques, rapport-building skills, and communication strategies. Training can be run with an entire team in-house with a business coach, or team members can attend one of the regular public workshops.


TimeRICH offers you tools to leverage your time, be more productive, and be more satisfied with your results. You will learn to set goals, plan your time, and manage your tasks more effectively. You will also learn to say no, delegate tasks, and create boundaries. This training with a business coach can help you get more done in less time and feel less overwhelmed by your work.


FinanceRICH helps you to make better financial decisions and guides you in building wealth. Your business coach will go through all areas you need help and advice with, from investments to budgeting, so you can grow your business and live the lifestyle you want.


BusinessRICH is designed to help business owners learn how to generate real wealth for their businesses. The program is a 2-day workshop with a business coach that teaches you how to work ON your business instead of just working IN it.

Our Next Public Event

90-Day Planning Workshop

September 30th, 2022
9:00-3:00pm CT
Centerside Conference Center

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